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Analyze how the influence of imperialism and western culture promoted filipino independence.



     Early in world history, the concept of expansion and advancement has always been the main goals of any society. Through advancements of technology, agriculture, and weaponry are these countries able to expand and discover new lands. However, the ability to conquer and take over these lands is what sets apart the travelers and the conquerors. Even before the Industrial Revolution, Europe was already at the forefront of discovering new lands as rulers would support the voyages of many explorers. These explorers such as Christopher Columbus, Vasco De Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan would discover lands that would lead to incredible changes in the world politically, economically, and socially. Of the three, Ferdinand would be the first to circumnavigate the globe in which he would land in the Philippines. This new and abundant land would strike the interest of Magellan and Spain as a whole. The Philippines would be influenced and become the interest and battle ground of other countries such as the United States and Japan.While outside nations were able to takeover and influence the Philippines, this would fuel their undeniable quest for independence with the help of the United States.

     Starting as early as 1521, outside nations would enter the  Philippines where they would take over and rule. The first to takeover would be the Spanish, as they would successfully implement their government and religion. As the Spanish would allow the Philippines to receive higher education, this would be a fatal mistake, as those who became educated would question Spain’s rule and would rise up against them. Education was a key factor in allowing the Philippines to break free from Spain. As communities would work together to fight the Spanish, another factor would greatly help them reach their goals. The United States, even if they were not at the best of terms, would always be there to support and fight with the Philippines. America would realize the Philippines incredible desire to break free from colonialism and quest for freedom. The United States support would not end here as they would work with the Philippines to defeat the Japanese in an occupation which caused the Philippines extreme death and devastation. Even though the Philippines was in the hands of a fair and just country, this still was not the outcome the Philippines wanted. The Philippine-American war was another signal to the US to grant them their freedom. The US would slowly allow the Philippines to take greater strength in its own affairs and relations. Then in 1956, July 4 the United States would fully grant the Philippines its independence.

     For this, The Philippines from the beginning was a land that knew self rule. Even before the Spanish, they had their own communities which had its own government and culture. Without a doubt the Spanish would influence the Philippines with its religion and education, but this would only support the Philippines to fight for its own independence. The US was also able to aid when the Philippines would be under great trouble from the Japanese.  While the Philippines would suffer great losses, the Philippines would continue to fight and not surrender utilizing their secret guerilla warfare organizations. This exemplifies another reason why the Philippines would later gain independence. The Filipino people throughout history were incredibly patriotic and persistent. They would continue to fight, whether it be secretively or slowly, they knew through persistence they would reach their goal. Other strategies and military aid received from the US would allow the Philippines to remain free from Japanese rule. With their persistence the Philippines would also fight against the US in order to reach their freedom at last. While the US could have taken over the Philippines, they saw and respected their request to become free. Through the education and experience from the Spanish and the respect from  America, the Philippines was able to achieve their need to become independent in order to thrive in their own country.

     The overall goal of this project was to go in-depth of the history of the Philippines. Specifically what the Philippines had to go through and experience in order to reach their goal of independence. Thus, the historical research in this project would extensive. Furthermore, many events would overlap each other which would need further explanation in their own categories. This project includes my academic research from different sources in order to effectively answer my DBQ question and further allow me to analyze all of the historical facts. Furthermore, I chose this project as I myself am a native born Filipino who wanted to know more about my country's past.

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